Jess O.

1 business review
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Charlie and the PB Factory

74.79  Rating Score

Of 31 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Charlie and the PB Factory has an average rating of 4.41 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 74.79.

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Yes the product was delicious but you should be aware of this company's business practices. I bought these poppers after I saw a fb ad claiming that the product was 1 ww point. After receiving said product and doing my own calculations I realized they are actually 5 points. When I messaged the company on facebook asking about the discrepancy I was blocked without an answer to my question. After doing some research I discovered I am not the first unhappy customer that has been blocked from facebook. Terrible, non existent, despicable customer service. I'd stay far away from this shady company.