Chris T.

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Ancient Hair Secrets

91.12  Rating Score

Of 41 ratings posted on 5 verified review sites, Ancient Hair Secrets has an average rating of 4.41 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 91.12.

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I just wanted to show my appreciation and let those know that are still on the fence on whether to buy 7Pe I would like to help and say you do not know what you are missing! I have now consistently used this product and this product alone for a little over 2 years and the results are just flat out Amazing! You notice the major difference when using this product in comparison to other products claiming to do what 7Pe does... I want to say in my 1st 3 uses of the 7pe Kit that I could honestly notice a significant change in how my scalp felt and how soft my hair became. In the half way of the 3rd month the spots that I was losing hair from were filling in and the receding to my hair line was coming in fuller and when I contacted the customer support they would give me tips and encouragement which was satisfying knowing they weren't just out to take my money but actually you can hear the passion in their voice and whatever questions I had they answered them to give me a good understanding how this process works and will work by sticking to the product and appreciate what nature can really provide. Well, I hope this helps for those that are looking for a natural hair growth product and are just looking to get away from these toxic chemical products that are just unethical when it comes down to it... Thanks Chris T.