Kelly D.

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82.46  Rating Score

Of 89 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Well.Farm has an average rating of 4.15 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 82.46.

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This retreat was exactly what I needed at the right time in my life. With little clarity in how I was to move forward in my life coupled with low energy, I was craving healing and direction. This retreat provided both. I met and shared wonderful and yet emotional moments with other women who were also in the fight to lead vibrant, healthy, passionate lives. Deb had wonderful tools and exercises to help each of us identify and move forward in our specific life's journey, while at the same time teaching us about nutrition from a very scientific perspective (which I appreciate). We cooked and shared amazing healthy meals together, which jump started my healing process. I have nothing but love and respect for Deb, her passion to help others, and her wisdom and knowledge to bring healing and change for those ready to dive deep into their lives and make lasting changes .