Patrick N.

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Mountain Mamba

90.88  Rating Score

Of 227 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Mountain Mamba has an average rating of 4.59 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 90.88.

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I am very happy with my recent purchase at Mountain Mamba. I purchased the couples package and I did not regret my decision! The tent was easy to assemble, perfect size, lightweight and versatile. The two sleeping bags were the perfect balance between comfort and warmth. The two backpacks were amazing! With the option between four different colors, my partner and I were able to choose our favorite ones. The backpacks are lightweight, spacial and very comfy on your back, especially when you are hiking miles at a time! To top it all off, this package was on sale for $110 less than the original price. Overall, Mountain Mamba has gone above and beyond to provide me with all of the essentials to make my camping experience better than ever!