Blake B.

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69.57  Rating Score

Of 73 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Ofishulz has an average rating of 3.73 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 69.57.

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Definitely one of the finest experiences from meeting the artist at a local Art Show here in Jupiter a few months back, to purchasing many items from Ofishulz both on and offline (at the Art Shows), and the overall satisfaction is stellar. In a day and age where there are many artists that look the same, Steve and his business Ofishulz truly stand out in a way that when you look at Steve's art it will always make you laugh. His fish characters have a personality that are similar to either ourselves, or dear friends we love. Other than my Versace shirt in my closet, my other favorite shirt I wear weekly my ALL-OVER MAHI-MAHI ANCHOR- UPF 30 PERFORMANCE SHIRT - 100% POLYESTER, shirt is amazing quality, comfort and the graphics are tremendous. From the artwork on the walls, to the shirts on my back, to the towels we sport on the beach, thank you Steve and Ofishulz for adding vibrant color, happiness and flavor to our lives..............laughter, unique and creative. Thank you B. Baron