Cherie M.

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Sit Means Sit Corpus Christi

87.64  Rating Score

Of 112 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Sit Means Sit Corpus Christi has an average rating of 4.94 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 87.64.

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I thought our Penny, an adopted German Shorthaired Pointer of about 2 years of age, was beyond help for training. It seemed that all the methods we had used for our other dogs were of no use. She just would not listen. One day, she ran off towards the highway and would not come back. Fortunately, I found her later, unharmed. That is when I called Sit Means Sit and asked Wes Wyrick to come and help us. Wes came over and within 15 minutes had her walking on a loose leash. We couldn't believe it! After only three lessons, Penny was walking on a loose leash all the time and had perfect recall which was very important to us as we wanted her to run loose in a field with our other dog. She learned perfect manners with the Sit Means Sit Method. They haven't miss a day of running since. Wes was always very professional, never late (usually early!), and extremely conscientiousness. I have recommended him and the Sit Means Sit franchise to MANY people. Those that have used Wes as their trainer have raved about him. I will always be thankful to Wes and Sit Means Sit for allowing us to be able to train our dogs and KNOW that they know that Sit Means Sit (and Come Means Come! :)