Brain And Stroke Care: Sravani Mehta, MD

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62.00  Rating Score
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Of 5 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, Brain and Stroke Care: Sravani Mehta, MD has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 62.00.

Sravani Mehta, MD, is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, with subspecialty in brain-injury medicine. At her practice, Brain and Stroke Care: Sravani Mehta, MD, she specializes in restoring function following an injury, illness, or disabling condition, helping each patient maximize their recovery and enjoy the most rewarding life experiences possible. While Dr. Mehta worked as the medical director of TriStar Summit Rehab, she saw the critical need for outpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation, or physiatric services, especially for those with stroke, brain injury, or concussion. With that as her motivation, Dr. Mehta opened her practice in Nashville, Tennessee, where they welcome all patients and offer the expertise that’s especially beneficial following a hospitalization. A native of Nashville, Dr. Mehta is excited to return to her hometown after training at the State University of New York Upstate in Syracuse and practicing academic medicine at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. In addition to her medical training and experience in rehabilitation, she’s also licensed in acupuncture and an instructor of qi gong. Dr. Mehta treats more than each patient’s physical health. She provides holistic care that considers patients’ social, emotional, and vocational well-being. She’s an expert in post-stroke care, spinal cord injuries, concussion, migraines, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Mehta is especially skilled in spasticity management, where she’s known as an expert in helping patients regain optimal movement. As the only board-certified brain-injury physician in the Nashville area, Dr. Mehta proudly supports the full range of care for patients after stroke, including helping to restore fine motor function in their hands. She’s also fluent in Spanish. To schedule an appointment, call the office or use the online booking feature.   Please check out my other websites for additional information: - My biography - My educational blog - My nonprofit

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