Kellye S.

1 business review
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Ms Ellen's Children's Daycare

40.38  Rating Score
6AM - 6PM ▾

Of 16 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Ms Ellen's Children's Daycare has an average rating of 2.74 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 40.38.

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Has been in business for over 35 years. All three of my children attend there until they started school. Some staff has been there for over 25 years. When I lost my job the office manager gave me a month free of childcare till I found another. I have sent about 10 different families there over the years and they have all had wonderful experiences. As I read any negative comments, I see false accusations against teacher and staff that I’m sure is because they were all excused from the center because they couldn’t follow rules obviously! And employees mad because they were let go. You don’t stay in business for 35 years and only have a handful of bad reviews, that should speak for itself. I suggest you make your own opinion!