Lexy W.

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56.00  Rating Score

Of 9 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, SpeedyPrep has an average rating of 4.30 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 56.00.

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I have taken one CLEP exam without using SpeedyPrep, and am currently working on my fourth one with SpeedyPrep. On my first exam (US History II), I scored a 52. On every exam I've taken with SpeedyPrep, even the more challenging exams (like Humanities), my scores have risen and sit a little below a 60 consistently. In total, I have taken Sociology, Analysis & Interpretation of Literature, Humanities, and US History II. I like SpeedyPrep because it gives me a good amount of repetition for questions, and every question (except for a few) are fill-in-the-blank. This forces you to memorize information. Additionally, when determining which exam to take next, I use SpeedyPrep. I go to an exam I'm considering and see how many total questions are on SpeedyPrep for that exam. That gives me a rough idea of how hard the exam is, and how long I'll need to study. I have also always taken exams before I hit 90% total on SpeedyPrep and passed with room to spare. Another nice feature is that you get access to study materials for almost every CLEP exam, which means that buying a 3 month membership is a pretty good deal. Thanks to CLEP exams (and this website), I'll be able to graduate on time with two majors, a minor, and a graduate degree.