Erin D.

1 business review
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Popcorn Obsession

96.06  Rating Score

Of 169 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Popcorn Obsession has an average rating of 4.81 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 96.06.

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I had never heard of Popcorn Obsession until my family and I were visiting my uncle and he took us to diner at a restaurant in Painter's Crossing. I am a HUGE popcorn lover and as soon as I saw the sign, I knew I had to check it out. Big mistake, in a good way. As soon as I walked in, I was hooked. I walked out with at least five or six mini bags of different flavors after agonizing over the menu for quite some time. Now, I make it a point of stopping by every time we visit my uncle. I always buy bigger bags of my favorites and at least one or two mini bags of flavors I have not tried yet. Sufficed to say, I love this store! My only wish is that there was one closer to me. I know that I can order online, but its not the same! Keep up the awesome work and keep the flavors coming! =)