Mark C.

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CHKD Urgent Care at Loehmann's Plaza

69.75  Rating Score

Of 101 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, CHKD Urgent Care at Loehmann's Plaza has an average rating of 3.48 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 69.75.

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Second time that we have brought a child here and their disregard for the kids is alarming. The first time was when they did the slowest stitches in the world to a blood curling screaming kid and ended up just using glue/steri-strips anyways. I am talking about 3 stiches over 30 minutes as the "doctor" sauntered around the room. Second time was just now as they destroyed my one month old baby's arm to draw blood for a lab. Took forever for them to get a vile of blood that they could not use! I guarantee they will send a bill for this travesty they call medical care. Take your kids to a vet before bringing them here! NEVER. AGAIN!