Zach F.

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Bedford Kilton Rd Hannaford

85.88  Rating Score
7AM - 10PM ▾

Of 878 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Bedford Kilton Rd Hannaford has an average rating of 4.39 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 85.88.

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On the 7th of May during the five o'clock rush hour. I took a trip to a local Hannaford near me. On that trip, I ran into the produce department looking for something exotic that would show my taste buds the other side of life. I stumbled upon a grapefruit and decided to pass. My friend however, Kevin, walked by that grapefruit, and said, "I do." (upon further review, I rate the grapefruit 8.3/10. Find my review on the subject.) I continued searching and found but a red, delicious, watermelon. For this one, I decided not to pass. For this one, I took home. Now I held off on this watermelon until the 11th of May. After slicing open the core contents of this watermelons flavor, these slices provided a form of comfort, a form of resemblance, a form of peace in my childhood and in my memories. I gave this delight to my friend Kevin, "Wow, oh wow. This is a juicy watermelon. Did you inject this watermelon with water, or is this straight from the fridge?" "Oh, it's straight the fridge." After that experience, we were moved to write this, provided a reason to write this, to inspire others to expand and to move forward and try something new. Kevin - "Like watermelon." And continue to grow and inspire alongside us. KeasandZeas reviews.