Monica R.

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Richard Kroll Total Image Salon

84.58  Rating Score

Of 62 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Richard Kroll Total Image Salon has an average rating of 4.26 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 84.58.

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WOMEN WITH HAIR LOSS --- CAUTION!!!! READ THIS BEFORE YOU VISIT THIS SALON!!! In March of 2021 I met with Trish Strucke, the owner of this salon. She convinced me to sign a contract worth a minimum of $16,200 for hair replacement services. After she charged the initial $1,800 and shaved the top of my head and installed a hairpiece I learned from her staff that she was having terrible supply chain issues and in some cases it was taking up to ONE YEAR to get additional hairpieces. These hairpieces they glue to your head are only supposed to last 3 to 4 months. Trish kept assuring me they would get pieces for me. They had ALREADY SHAVED THE TOP OF MY HEAD. Read that again... seriously!!!! The first piece did match my length and curl pattern. Nettie and Jen did a great job dying the piece and my hair to match. When it was time to get a second piece installed the piece they had was on a different base which would not stay glued to my head because the base was not porous. When I washed my hair, the water and soap that got under the piece could not all get out which eroded the glue and tape and caused the piece to lift. I drove all the way back to the salon at least 2 times to have it reapplied. Trish's team knew this was a bad piece and they even told me it was not meant to be a piece glued to a head as it was cut from a wig. Wigs are meant to be removed at night not glued to your scalp! After 4 weeks they finally told me they had another piece for me. Trish behaved as though she was doing me a huge favor "allowing the piece to be replaced early at no cost to me". Really??? The story gets much worse... the new piece was not shown to me before it was washed and ready to be prepared for attachment to my head. Someone said they weren't sure if this piece was long enough for me. The piece was glued to my head and my own hair was trimmed about an inch and a half even though they knew I wanted to grow my hair. They dried my hair with a diffuser and I looked like a poodle when they were done. I wasn't crazy about it but I thought it was just the way they dried it. The next day I realized what a terrible problem I had. The piece they glued to my head was 3 or 4 inches shorter than my hair!!! The curl was significantly tighter than my natural wave. It was terrible. I am very capable and knowledgeable about how to work with my hair and hair pieces. There was absolutely no way I could make this piece work with my hair. It looked so terrible. Like a cheap fake wig. Somebody actually asked me if I was "unwell". They thought I had cancer because I was wearing a wig!!! And I had already spent well over $3,000 at this salon. I learned the reason for these issues is a supply chain issue Trish has with her suppliers in China due to the pandemic. She was having this problem since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 - fully ONE YEAR BEFORE I MET WITH HER AND SHE CONVINCED ME TO HAVE MY HEAD SHAVED AND SPEND OVER $3,000!!!! So Trish knew she couldn't fulfill the contract I signed and she charged me for. I had to find another salon and spend many thousands more to get this fixed. I am currently disputing $2,700 worth of these charges. I will continue to fight this and will continue to share my experience with everyone I know and in every online forum and on all websites I interact with so that every woman or man who has hair loss knows to stay far away from this salon until I get satisfaction. Trish is taking advantage of people with hair loss and cancer when they are at their most vulnerable. Her website says "Hair Replacement & Integration - A solution to full head thinning encountered by many men and women. These comfortable alternative hair systems will be virtually undetectable with minimal restrictions while providing a completely natural look and feel." Completely untrue. STAY AWAY!!!!