Jen C.

1 business review
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Oak Hill Eye Care

97.20  Rating Score

Of 769 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Oak Hill Eye Care has an average rating of 4.82 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 97.20.

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Oak Hill Eye Care used to be run by David Tybor. Now that it has been taken over by his son, John, everything has gone downhill. The employee turn-over is so frequent that you cannot get any acceptable level of service. At my first (and only) appointment I was left in the waiting room for almost an hour after I checked in, because the staff “forgot about me.” I was then rushed through my appointment (with Stephanie) and given samples for lenses that I had previously tired and did not like. Stephanie refused to give me samples of the brand of lenses I had been wearing for the last several years and wanted to continue to wear. This led to numerous calls and attempts to get a prescription of the lenses I wanted, but to no avail. Not only did I pay for a contact lens exam without receiving a prescription for lenses that I could wear, but Oak Hill Eye Care also STOLE $300 of my insurance benefits. My insurance paid them, but I never received any contact lenses. Several members of the staff admitted there were a lot of errors made, citing large staff turnover and offering many apologies. John Tybor also offered to refund me for my exam, and try to resolve the issues. BUT, then he changed his mind, sending me a nasty email accusing me of “hateful, demoralizing speech.” I do not know how John came to this determination, since he is now ignoring my calls. I can only guess that Brie told John that I informed her that I was not willing to work with Nicole, due to her inability to answer simple questions about contact lens prices, and her failure to return my call as promised regarding sample lenses. This was apparently determined by John to be “hateful, demoralizing speech,” and somehow made him feel entitled to charge me for a contact lens prescription I never received, take insurance money for contact lenses I was not provided, and to ignore my phone calls/messages (which Brandy confirmed she gave him) to resolve this situation. John also accused me of making "a direct insult to a team member’s intelligence" which is false, as I never said anything to Nicole. I was polite and courteous to Nicole, while she struggled to answer simple questions. And the feedback I gave to Brie, regarding Nicole, was accurate, and should have been taken as a sign to improve training, rather than to attack the customer. All of the positive reviews are based on David’s running of the business. Now that John is in charge, this is 100% a place to avoid! I would anticipate all 1 star reviews going forward. Save yourself the time, hassle, and theft, and go anywhere else but here!