Merissa E.

1 business review
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Omnikey Realty LLC

84.24  Rating Score

Of 662 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Omnikey Realty LLC has an average rating of 4.22 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 84.24.

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Do not rent from them if you value your sanity! We did not have power for 7 days because they did not get the proper inspection done BEFORE allowing us to rent the property. We asked if we could pay the fee to get the inspection done, but could not because it had to come from OmniKey. Again, this needed to be done before allowing renters in the property. So you can take our money, but not provide us with proper living conditions? Cut to two months later when our water gets shut off. I call the water company and am not allowed to pay the water bill because I am not listed as a renter. It needs to come from OmniKey, which was never done! I call the number since this qualifies as an emergency and no one has any idea what to do about it. Meanwhile, I have no running water at my house. This is been the most unpleasant renting experience I have ever had. I do not enjoy unexpected surprises like no electricity or no running water and literally nothing that I can do about it as a renter.