Tyler D.

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Growing Kids Learning Center

82.72  Rating Score
6:06AM - 6:06AM ▾

Of 105 ratings posted on 5 verified review sites, Growing Kids Learning Center has an average rating of 4.49 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 82.72.

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Loved the toddler 2 class. Our son absolutely loved it in there and his teachers were the best. They actually enjoyed what they did and it showed but when our son went to the young preschool class everything changed. Didn't seem to be learning anything anymore. Teachers seemed like it was just a job not very personable. My son hated it, he used to run into the class in the morning and never look back but now he would fight or cry when he was dropped off. He was dropped off/picked up by multiple people and we all agreed on the teachers and that he seemed different. Very moody, and his whole personality changed from his usual. Grandparents and friends even noticed it. We ended up sending him somewhere else after less than a year and he was back to his old self within a couple days. I'm not saying the teachers were bad or physical, but teaching is a job of passion and patience and I believe some lacked those qualities and kids read that. Also the sickness that circulates is unreal considering the strict policies that get kids sent home at any sign of anything. Even my son's doctor commented on the amount of times he was admitted. I understand the intent but the policies could be improved. Overall we liked it but the amount of times he was sent home for being "sick" and missing work, the cost, and the change in personality we just couldnt justify it anymore. Growing kids has a very good reputation that they do deserve but with some minor improvements and possibly stricter staff selection it could be a serious tier 1 learning center.