Betsy R.

1 business review
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Roof Rx, Inc.

69.36  Rating Score

Of 108 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Roof Rx, Inc. has an average rating of 3.14 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 69.36.

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Ben Boller, the manager of the team that replaced our roof, inspired our confidence and then lived up to it. We had always replaced our own roof, but this time we reached out to a few companies to see what they could do for us. Ben, with his special, personal, respectful and happy way about him, was the guy we entrusted our home to. He more than lived up to his promises. When the flashing was delivered and installed and was the wrong color, white instead of black, which was only a problem on half of the house, ( Half of our house has white gutters and half black.) Ben took full responsibility and came out the very next morning to give the flashing on the half of the house that has black gutters a professional spray paint job, taking the flashing from white to black. Then, seeing that our fascia needed some touch up work before the winter storms could harm the wood, took it upon himself to paint the parts of the fascia that needed the touch up . What!? Who does something like that? Ben Boller from RoofX, that’s who. Highly recommend this company.