Ab D.

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Boss Optima Carpet Cleaning

84.66  Rating Score

Of 539 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Boss Optima Carpet Cleaning has an average rating of 4.47 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 84.66.

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The other one-star reviews are correct about Boss Optima's business model. Boss Optima just tries to find someone local to do the work for you and charges extra for the privilege, while hanging onto your prepaid charge. But they may never find anyone who will agree to work with them. They repeatedly cancelled and rescheduled my tile-cleaning job this past month. When someone finally did arrive, they said they were not equipped to do the job and immediately left. After that, Boss Optima promised three times across several weeks to refund my prepaid charge, but the refund was never made. My calls were handled politely, but their promises were empty. No one ever called back, as also promised repeatedly. After way too much time spent on the phone with them, I had to dispute the charge with my credit card issuer to reverse their initial charge. Oddly, this just costs Boss Optima a fee, plus the chance that the rate they get from their processor will increase on all their future transactions. So, add incompetence to my complaint. I recommend finding a local vendor directly yourself instead of letting Boss Optima send in a subcontractor they don't have or don't know. You will get the job done properly and without the frustration of unkept promises and falsehoods about resolution.