Susan M.

1 business review
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98.00  Rating Score

Of 130 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, GDpay has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 98.00.

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I feel very lucky to have discovered GDpay. My experiences in the past with other merchant services providers were poor, mostly because I was too ignorant to know if a deal was good or not. For instance I leased a piece of equipment for years, paying several thousand dollars over time, when I could have bought it myself for only a few hundred! After that I didn't know who to trust and had become pretty cynical about the whole industry. The folks at GDpay assured me they could save me money, and they have. My monthly charges decreased by about 30%, which is remarkable. They have been reliable and helpful from the get go. In an industry where there's lots of hype and many charlatans, they are different. Even though I don't like paying credit card processing fees, they have helped keep those fees as low as possible. I highly recommend them.