John P.

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The New Edge Learning Center

73.48  Rating Score

Of 26 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, The New Edge Learning Center has an average rating of 4.13 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 73.48.

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New Edge has been wonderful for our family from the day we first stepped foot in the facility to find the perfect daycare facility for our son. The owner (Ms. Adeeba) speaks more from a nurturing perspective than from a business perspective. That seems like a given for a daycare facility but we vetted some owners from other daycare facilities who presented less of a nurturing vibe. The staff has always been genuinely friendly. This is so important to see before dropping off your child to the care of another person or in this case, a daycare facility. Since New Edge has transitioned to paperless status reports, we regularly check the app to see what activities are going on during a given day. We also receive videos and photos of our son and his friends, enjoying whatever activity is going on at the time. Our son, who is two and a half, is always happy to go to daycare and when we pick him up, he cheerfully talks about his day. Pricing can be a concern for most families considering daycare but for everything New Edge has to offer and seeing our happy our son is and how much he has learned over the years, it's absolutely worth it (and fair pricing, too!). For as long as we are in the area, New Edge has our business, trust, and appreciation. Thank you!