Richard B.

1 business review
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Gardner Energy

86.99  Rating Score

Of 133 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Gardner Energy has an average rating of 4.87 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.99.

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Gardner Energy did a fantastic job and I’m very pleased with my experience with them. A different solar company knocked on my door and got me thinking about solar. I decided if I was going to do this, I needed to do my research. After working with a number of different solar companies, I was confident in choosing Gardner Energy . I had a lot of questions about solar in general (how does this work, what can I expect with the electric bill, ect) and many concerns (where will you be drilling holes in my house, where will you be mounting things, ect). I really wanted to do solar but I needed to feel good about a lot of things before I was willing to pull the trigger. Thank you Gardner Energy for all your people with the willingness and expertise to answer my every question and the business that let me be confident investing my hard earned money.