Giovannie R.

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Auto shop of chesapeake

85.83  Rating Score

Of 129 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Auto shop of chesapeake has an average rating of 4.38 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 85.83.

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Be careful of this place! Auto Transmission of Chesapeake wanted to charge me like $6,500.00 for an alleged problem that I fixed with only $8.00. A few days ago I took my vehicle to this place to be diagnosed with the cause of a noise in my vehicle's engine. They told me the noise was coming from the transmission; however, to determine the cause they had to open the transmission for a cost of $500.00 - to which I accepted and paid. If they truly opened it or not, I don’t know. After a few days, Mike called me back to say that the transmission was “bad” and needs to be replaced with a new one. So he quoted me a total of $6,500.00. After the our talk, I decided to check with my father-in-law and he suggested me to check the engine oil levels since the noise and behavior of the transmission were not typical of a faulty transmission. I checked the engine oil and indeed it did not have any. I bought a liter of oil ($8.00) and poured it into the engine and the noise went away. Since then my vehicle has been running perfectly. Be careful with Auto Transmission of Chesapeake, as it is not a legit place.