Laureen K.

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CPR Restoration & Cleaning Service LLC

88.23  Rating Score
12AM - 12AM ▾

Of 290 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, CPR Restoration & Cleaning Service LLC has an average rating of 4.79 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 88.23.

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CPR did a ‘pack out” of my property after smoke and water damage from fire at adjoining property. ‘Cleaning”….more like looters on acid. I was assured both verbally and in writing that nothing would be thrown out without my approval. I received half a dozen pics for approval. Yet, they smashed, trashed $1000s of property and chucked it on sidewalk..or just thrown around house..garbage bags thrown on steps, half ton of my former property in pieces just thrown on sidewalk. Don’t know who they thought was going to remove that as not township trash pickup. And, they charged my insurance company over $40,000 for this…well crime..criminal mischief (what property damage is under) IMO. Have asked repeatedly for inventory and just get pics if a wall of boxes because everything I OWNED fits into a bankers box. Asked for companies liability insurance, names of workers…got nothing. I’ve resigned myself to the fact I’ll never see any of property again again and even if there is anything worth returning they will definitely extort you for whatever they didn’t get from insurance company. AND, when it was shown to them, they just denied it. Seriously, I trashed my owned property? There are things called Ring cameras and live across from train station which has many cameras and they were only ones who had code to lock box..btw, all the house keys were missing, so was my husband extra car key, half a bottle of prescription medicine and a debit card (thankfully expired). Pics are all post pack-out…some are even from they were proud if this?! Nothing but grifters..sorry, IMO…grifters. Takes a certain kind sociopath to con people traumatized by disasters.