Anna E.

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Medics USA

55.40  Rating Score

Of 31 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Medics USA has an average rating of 3.81 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 55.40.

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Dr. Mina Salehi is beyond excellent. She takes the time necessary to care for me as if I was her only patient. She always completes a thorough check of potential side effects of my medication and if there any other issues that I want to discuss, she always listens. I saw her speaking to another patient in the waiting area and that patient was beaming ear-to-ear that Dr. Salehi was able to make some very important appointment for her. I know that patient is as pleased with Dr. Salehi as I am. I drive approximately 45 minutes (one way) every month (rx refill appt) just so I can see her. I am so happy to call her my doctor!! Highly recommend!