Tommy K.

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World's Best Massage Chair®

83.70  Rating Score

Of 62 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, World's Best Massage Chair® has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 83.70.

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I had an opportunity to take one of these chairs for a test drive, and it was amazing! At first glance, it looked like a lot of other massage chairs, but as soon as I sat down I realized it was not like the other chairs at all. I just clicked on Full Body massage, and didn't adjust any settings, and it gave me a great, long massage that seemed to wander over different parts of my body, rather than just focusing on one part at a time, which was a neat feature. I especially liked when the air would expand in the foot section, basically locking down my foot and then massaging the bottom side of each foot.