Roy H.

2 business reviews
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95.38  Rating Score

Of 723 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Madwire® has an average rating of 4.74 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.38.

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Most small businesses have a person to do their website, another to do their social media. Working with the team at Marketing 360 I have an expert in every field working on my businesses that are working together. They created a great logo, an incredible website that I have received major accolades for, social media, blogs, videos, etc. that all work together to make my business look professional and keep me on page one for all my keywords. Then they do all the things I hate doing like setting up and populating my CRM. They provide a calendar where my assistance can update my calendar. Then they do something most small businesses never do; they track EVERYTHING. We know immediately when something is working or not working. Most businesses are just shooting in the dark. This process take a while. If you only tried Marketing 360 for 6 months, you haven't given it a fair shake. Marketing takes a while. I know. I have been doing marketing for several years. It takes time to dial it in. Time busy business people do not have. That why I turned 99% of my marketing over to a TEAM, the team of Marketing 360; Chris, Daniel, Marissa, Alyssa. They work together to bring me customers and brand my business with a consistent message.

Marketing 360®

92.73  Rating Score
9AM - 5PM ▾

Of 4,523 ratings posted on 5 verified review sites, Marketing 360® has an average rating of 4.57 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 92.73.

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Most small businesses have a person to do their website, another to do their social media. Working with the team at Marketing 360 I have an expert in every field working on my businesses that are working together. They created a great logo, an incredible website that I have received major accolades for, social media, blogs, videos, etc. that all work together to make my business look professional and keep me on page one for all my keywords. Then they do all the things I hate doing like setting up and populating my CRM. They provide a calendar where my assistance can update my calendar. Then they do something most small businesses never do; they track EVERYTHING. We know immediately when something is working or not working. Most businesses are just shooting in the dark. This process take a while. If you only tried Marketing 360 for 6 months, you haven't given it a fair shake. Marketing takes a while. I know. I have been doing marketing for several years. It takes time to dial it in. Time busy business people do not have. That why I turned 99% of my marketing over to a TEAM, the team of Marketing 360; Chris, Daniel, Marissa, Alyssa. They work together to bring me customers and brand my business with a consistent message.