Robert C.

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Friendship Pet Hospital

99.93  Rating Score

Of 1,446 rating posted on 7 verified review sites, Friendship Pet Hospital has an average rating of 4.89 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 99.93.

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This locations compassion doesn't exist anymore. Recent staff changes? Money issues? I dont know. Either way, we will never use or recommend this location to any pet owner. Today, our cat named KiKi that has been part of our family for the past 15 years took a turn for the worse. Back legs neuro gave out in addition to his blindness, deaf, and his inability to use litter box. We, as a family, made a decision that no pet owner wants to make. This cat has been with us for over 15 years. Multiple military moves from South Dakota to Florida to California to Texas. He is family!! Despite our decision of not wanting to see him suffer any longer, we were told- despite telling them that he was suffering- that they needed labs, and more to verify that our cat was indeed suffering. Our daughter was crying - they tried to nickel and dime us during this horrible time. I so strongly regret ever entrusting them with caring for our pets. We will NEVER be back again. Y’all should be ashamed - all based on greed instead of compassion.