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Flamingo Island Preschool

48.17  Rating Score

Of 9 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Flamingo Island Preschool has an average rating of 3.67 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 48.17.

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For reference, management is referred to George and Erica. 1. Allegedly, management does not care about teacher to student ratio. They will throw you into the infant or toddler class and expect you to learn how to handle it. If you ask for help, management will get upset because you are supposed to know how to handle the classroom, even if it is out of ratio. 2. Allegedly, if management hears kids crying or yelling they will not come into the classroom to help. They will come into the classroom, see what is going on, and walk back out. They will be annoyed that you are not able to handle your classroom and that you need help. 3. Allegedly, management, mostly George, will tell you that you can work your way up. He will say you can start off in the infant class or toddler class and that you can work your way up to Pre-K and then the “front.” But he’s lying. The only way that you will work up the ladder is if you are his favorite. It does not matter how much experience you have, how long you have been there, or if you are interested in being in other classrooms if you aren’t his favorite then there is no room for growth for you. 4. Allegedly, management doesn’t do anything. Expect to see George sitting on his yoga ball with his crack out, on Reddit sending memes. Erica will walk around to pretend she’s doing something. But she’s 90% of the time on her phone and computer, probably shopping. They will sit up front all day. Talking and eating. Expect nothing else from them. 5. Allegedly, management will tell parents that teachers have bachelors degrees, when teachers are still in college or in high school. 6. Allegedly, management will tell parents that there will always be 2 teachers in the classroom but as stated in the first point there is only one teacher because they do not care about ratios. 7. Allegedly, management is very unprofessional they will talk smack about the teachers behind their back and sometimes in front of other teachers. 8. Allegedly, the manual says there is no gossiping in the school allowed but management does all the gossiping. Flamingo is not the school it used to be. When I got there, I would hear the teachers talk about how great it used to be, and I wish I could have had that experience while working there. Management does not care about you. They will pretend to care. If it wasn’t for George and Erica, this would be a great place to work. They start you off at $15. Go work anywhere else for $15 an hour.