Lyndsey B.

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Luna Lullaby

84.02  Rating Score

Of 275 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Luna Lullaby has an average rating of 4.30 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 84.02.

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I received a Luna Lullaby pillow as a gift at my baby shower and initially intended on using it only while my baby was in the NICU. After our first few uses, we never turned back! We ditched the Boppy pillow and fell in love with the Luna pillow instantly! I recommend this pillow to all my new Mom friends because it actually supports the baby at the appropriate level, it's SO fluffy, soft and comfortable and it fits your body so much more naturally than any other nursing pillow. We used it for nearly a year and not just for feeding. Our son used it for tummy time, practiced sitting up and as he got older he snuggled up on it to sleep. After nursing my husband and I found ourselves using it to nap on as well. Luna Lullaby nursing pillow is the real deal. You'll love it!