Bob B.

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Hometown Hearing Centre

95.03  Rating Score

Of 61 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Hometown Hearing Centre has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.03.

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After 5 years of great service from Hometown Hearing, Cambridge, and my first ReSound hearing aids, I decided to consider the pros and cons of upgrading to newer, higher performance aids. I once again compared suppliers and hearing aid features and performance, and decided to stay with Hometown and ReSound, but this time upgrading to the ReSound ONE devices. My decision was made easy for 3 reasons: 1) the outstanding technical support and knowledge provided by the Hometown technician Kayleigh Haferer; 2) the consistently dependable performance of Hometown, Cambridge for more than 5 years; and 3) the features and quality of the ReSound ONE hearing aids. After 3 months with the new ReSound ONE hearing aids satisfaction with my decision has only grown. Thanks Kayleigh, Hometown and ReSound.