Kathleen D.

1 business review
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Gutter Logic Gutter Protection

76.45  Rating Score

Of 133 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Gutter Logic Gutter Protection has an average rating of 4.19 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 76.45.

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It was an extremely satisfying experience from beginning to end, there was an issue that prevented the installer from appearing at the promised time, but I received a phone call and things were worked out. It was installed on the day it was promised, only later in the day to my satisfaction. They did not dump the leaves they removed from the gutters into the ground but put it in a bucket. When they were done, they walked around the house with me and explained everything. I was extremely happy with the job and professionalism of the people. I would have given it 5 stars for value but I know I am stuck in the dark ages and I thought that was a bit high in price.