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Lexar Homes Spokane

71.75  Rating Score

Of 24 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Lexar Homes Spokane has an average rating of 4.28 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 71.75.

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THIS COMPANY IS TERRIBLE! AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE... They told us when to sign our contract with the bank (to get the fish on the hook) and then didn't start our house for 2 MONTHS... Lexar homes in Spokane Valley/Spokane gives nothing but lip service. Their quality is TERRIBLE, IF you can even get them to come. Plan on a year or MORE to complete your house. They come back in after signing the so called (non) completed house to do a punch list. So when they come to fix their screw ups, they screw up more stuff. THE OWNERS DON'T GIVE 2-$HITS ABOUT YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOW STUCK IN A CONTRACT WITH THEM..... I would NEVER RECOMMEND this this crappy builder to my WORST enemy. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED...