Nick R.

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North Peninsula Veterinary Emergency Clinic

88.78  Rating Score

Of 1,539 rating posted on 4 verified review sites, North Peninsula Veterinary Emergency Clinic has an average rating of 4.48 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 88.78.

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This place is THE WORST vet I have ever come in contact with. The people working here are completely incompetent, by leaps and bounds. I brought my cat here to get help with her urgent dehydration. These people are clueless to customer service, clueless to how to do their jobs. They sit around behind a locked door with all their pets running around and expect people to wait in their car for help. Zero communication. The front lady was a b****, lack of better words. Anyone who came outside to greet me was a b**** for lack of better words. I immediately rescheduled my appointment to another vet that actually cares. They tried to tell me I can’t have my care credit card back, and they thought my dog was inside. I have no dog. They never saw my pet. All losers here!!! Go anywhere else (read recent reviews to show this is a pattern!!!)