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Compass Self Storage

86.18  Rating Score

Of 138 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Compass Self Storage has an average rating of 4.87 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.18.

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BUYER BEWARE: If your in the market for a storage unit, PLEASE DO NOT USE "COMPASS SELF STORAGE" anywhere! The places are not only dirty and filled with thick dust on the items every time I would go. Also, the rain will get to them as well and they do not care. I've had to spend hours replacing boxes and repacking those that had been soak. As well, they will go up on monthly prices without contacting you via in writing or email, even though they say otherwise. This happened to me twice; however, I wasn't in a position to move my items. Gosh, I wish I was as the fees and increases are excessive. For example, November rate when up from 72.00 to $139.00. How is this legal? As I could have used the money for a much better cause! But, they hold your precious items hostage and threaten you with auctioning them off, regardless of the circumstances. The company or employees do not care about us as their customers, instead only the additional money they can exploit from you through excessive fee's and rate increases. I've tried to work out a reasonable solution to the excessive high fees and increased rates that are forced upon us without any form of notice, i.e., I checked both emails and USPS mail. In addition, the District Manager, Scott Evans will not call you back either, so how can a person begin to resolve an issue? He should be reprimanded severely at the least. First of all, this company does not deserve to be in business, or deserve good customers like us who work hard for our money only to give to them, or they hold your items hostage as they have done to me, twice now. There is just NO recourse with this company and many like them who choose to handle their business like they would a stray animal. More and more US companies are allowed to extort money from us by threats and excessive fees and rates. Please, do not use them or you will regret doing so! I beg you...