Jon L.

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911 Rooter & Plumbing

74.65  Rating Score
12AM - 12AM ▾

Of 423 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, 911 Rooter & Plumbing has an average rating of 4.29 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 74.65.

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I hired 911 Rooter & Plumbing back in 2018 to fix 4 broken sprinkler valves and was charged $1,250. What they didn't tell me was that instead of properly fixing the valves by replacing them, they actually just rebuilt the inner components of the 30 year old housings. Skip forward to 2021 and all 4 valves now need to be replaced and they just quoted me another $2,400 with no discount or credit for the original work whatsoever. I never would have approved such an expensive temporary fix and now feel outright defrauded. Given that the company does not stand behind their work and defrauds their customers, I would not recommend working with them unless you want to pay twice for the same job.