Kay H.

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Linworth Family Dental

98.32  Rating Score

Of 117 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Linworth Family Dental has an average rating of 4.93 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 98.32.

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Word to the wise, review your quotes and the services being provided carefully. I am a retired senior citizen, who was in need of an implant. I was happy to learn that Linworth did them. I rec’d a quote, and my tooth extradition was scheduled. I was told I needed a full mouth X-Ray at the time of extraction. I figured that my insurance company would cover this expense. My tooth was extracted, I paid $1,000. for the services. I then rec’d a bill for an additional $191 in services. My insurance would NOT cover the full mouth X-ray. When I pushed back about this expense ($340.) which then went to $345. on another bill, I was told by a very unprofessional office manager, Heather, that I had upset her staff…….simply for pushing back on a charge that I questioned. Heather’s tactic became clear to me, make this about personality’s and not the real issue. A trend that continued. When I called for budgeting purposes to get the charges for the second half of the procedure, Jenna answered the phone, she was unable to articulate the charges; although I knew that were in their system. She stated she was new and would need to check with Heather. After being on hold for almost 10 minutes, Jenna told me the in a lump sum amount. I asked her for a breakdown of the charges and she could not articulate them. Heather gets on the phone, and tells me Jenna in tears. Heather’s pattern of attacking folks personalities to avoid the real issues continues. Should a new person be put on the phone to interact with customers that can’t answer straightforward questions? I spent 15 minutes to get an answer to a question that should have taken 2 minutes to answer. When I called Heather on her unprofessional tactics…..she told me I could find another dentist…….now there’s a real professional for you. Proud of yourself, Heather?