Margaret D.

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Somerset Dental Care

93.62  Rating Score
7AM - 3PM ▾

Of 82 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Somerset Dental Care has an average rating of 4.86 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 93.62.

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) This is my experience with Cerillo Family Dentistry.....After many years I had to change dentist because Cerillo doesn't honor shoddy work done by the other doctors that work for him. They put crowns on teeth that require a root canal first so they can get another crown payment because most people would not want a crown they paid a high price for to have a drill hole in it that they just put a little filling in. Dr. Siddiqui filed down a tooth under a tooth he was working on because he struggled to file the bump off the temp crown so he shaved off the tooth below to prevent it from hitting it and lied and said it had a chip on it which there wasn't, so now it's crooked, smaller and has to be repaired. The crown he put on was causing me pain within a couple of days after he seated it only to find that it has two cracks in it so that has to be replaced after I just paid $948.00 for it. Cerillo pushes expensive procedures and tells you that it's urgent to do, he also put on a bridge that came off four times in a short period of time that he just kept filing on and re-cementing until it became thin and frail and now needs to be replaced again to which his office manager in the Tampa location informed me that he would not honor it. I once left a positive message in 2020 because they asked me to and practically told me what to say which is why it sounds robotic, plus, they manage the reviews and delete the ones that are negative so they can look perfect. Service and the quality of the materials have gone down hill in the last couple of years, however, on a positive note, Donna, the hygienist does a great job! There is a lot more to this complaint so message me for more details,