Laura B.

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The New Edge Learning Center

73.48  Rating Score

Of 26 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, The New Edge Learning Center has an average rating of 4.13 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 73.48.

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I have two kids, one 4 and the other 1.5, and they've been going to New Edge since the oldest was 10 months old. Both kids love it. They're happy to be dropped off in the morning, and seem happy and relaxed when we pick them up in the afternoon. The center offers a good mix of playtime with more structured activities and learning. They have a big outdoor space and the kids play outside every day, weather-permitting, often twice a day. My oldest (aged 4) can now write the alphabet, upper and lower case, and write her full name. She can also count to 100. COVID has been a big source of stress for us this year. (I'm writing this in fall 2020.) Our kids were out of daycare for nearly 3 months in the spring, and it was SUCH a relief to be able to send them back to New Edge in June. My 4-year-old is thriving now that she can interact again with other kids her age, and my husband and I got back some much needed sanity after weeks trying to juggle full-time work with full-time care of small kids. I'm so grateful to the caring & dependable staff at New Edge!