Martin S.

1 business review
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93.58  Rating Score

Of 171 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, DearDoc has an average rating of 4.66 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 93.58.

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Doing business with DearDoc ranks as one of the worst business decisions I have ever made. If ANYONE else in the company had made a decision to go with Deardoc I would have fired them. Deardoc is a total and complete scam. Instead of designing a new website that would be better than what I had they simply STOLE most of the content from my previous webpage. They absolutely committed a copywrite infringement of my previous website provider. Their ability to communicate is truly substandard. Their customer service, when and if it available is delivered by people that can barely speak English. I'm sure they are very fluent in whatever language they normally speak but it's NOT English. If you choose to business with DearDoc after reading this review all I can say, is you were warned. I wish I had been. DearDoc is nothing but thieves and scammers.