Brad Y.

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Tharp Custom Cabinetry

77.47  Rating Score

Of 161 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Tharp Custom Cabinetry has an average rating of 4.51 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 77.47.

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The look of the cabinets turned out exactly what I expected. However, I think the installation could have been much better. There are cabinets, drawers and pull-out shelves that don't operate well. Some appear to be rubbing up against the interior cabinet so it does not glide and gets stuck. The dishwasher panel that was installed doesn't line up well with the rest of the cabinets. There is a creaking/vibrating sound that occurs every time you walk past one of the cabinets. I've emptied the entire cabinet and the sound doesn't go away, so it is hidden somewhere behind the panels. It's annoying and I can't fix it. Overall, I think these are good cabinets.