Amu L.

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Kilauea Pest Control

99.14  Rating Score

Of 1,084 rating posted on 4 verified review sites, Kilauea Pest Control has an average rating of 4.91 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 99.14.

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We are always appreciative of our technician Kimo's hard work and helping us to battle these ants! It seems like a never ending issue but with Kilauea Pest Control and Kimo's help, there is light at the end of this endless parade. If your pests aren't evicted the first go round, you can contact Kilauea Pest Control for a complimentary spot treatment before your next service. They guarantee their work and if you aren't satisfied (not sure why you wouldn't be as they rock), they will make it right! Mahalo, Kimo, and mahalo, Kilauea Pest Control!