Mary Ellen N.

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Suburban Animal Hospital

86.25  Rating Score
9AM - 12PM ▾

Of 89 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Suburban Animal Hospital has an average rating of 4.42 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.25.

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My cat of 17 years was not doing well. He became worse on Tues. when Suburban Animal Hospital is closed. Itried to get him into an emergency vet but there was a 30 hour wait.I suspected he had a stroke or possibly kidney failure. Suddenly he couldnt walk well and when I would pick him up he would urinate on me.We had terrible heat here and I believe that could have led to his stroke.I was able to get him in to see Dr. Senese the next day. I knew he was"on his last legs" and brought him in to see if there was anything they could do without causing him pain or suffering to save him, otherwise I would have him euthanized because I didnt want him to get worse and suffer more.When I saw Dr.Senese, I told her he was having trouble walking and seemed to be incontinent.He also had fleas which I had treated the month before and 2 weeks ago with Frontline. I wasnt sure why the medication wasnt working this time.Well she exploded and said he was dying from anemia from the fleas. I believe this was secondary to what was really wrong with him.He was fine until 3 days ago.She became completely paranoid about fleas in her animal hospital and I think this blurred her judgement completely.Itold her I had given him Frontline about 2 weeks ago and you cannot reapply it for 30 days.She said you can reapply it if its been 2 weeks.She said he is giving up because he has fleas. She didnt do any tests or even listen to his heart. she took his temperature and saw that his gums were white, a sign of anemia. She screamed at me what do you want to do, treat him or euthanize him. I said to her if there is any chance that you can save him do whatever you can and I STRESSED without causing him anymore pain or suffering .She got out flea medication and for the third time I said you cant give him flea medication,its been only 2 weeks since I treated him with Frontline. She insisted that that was ok. Thinking she was a vet and had more knowledge than me, and I will never forgive myself for this, I allowed her to treat him.Not only did she give him a full dose of flea medication rectally, but also a full dose of Revolution on his neck.Within a short time his eyes became glassy and unfocused and he couldnt move.She had left the room and basically never came back and had the vet technician warming him with a heating pad.When his temperature wouldnt go up the technician asked me if I wanted to take him home and keep him warm to bring his temperature up.This was very traumatizing to me , and I thought maybe he still had a chance.I brought him home and put a heating pad on him.HE couldnt talk or move and just layed there with a look of terror on his face. I left the room for a short time when I came back his mouth was pulled back in a grimace with his teeth showing and his tongue hanging out.I went to touch him, he let out a blood curdling scream and went into a seizure and died.He was tortured to death.Seizures are a sign of overdosing on flea medication.