Justin W.

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J'Adore Les Fleurs

81.24  Rating Score
10AM - 7PM ▾

Of 42 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, J'Adore Les Fleurs has an average rating of 4.12 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 81.24.

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BEWARE ROSES DIE THE NEXT DAY, TURN BLACK, AND ARE CHEAP ROSES FROM DOWNTOWN L.A. (Your typical low-class lazy to get real American jobs middle eastern owners who want a rich lifestyle with our American money.) OVERPRICED ROSES IN CHEAP FOAM BOXES. FRAUD OWNERS WHO SELL A FAKE IMAGE OF HIGH-CLASS ROSES… (They spend customer's money on LV, Gucci, and BMW and they don't even try to forget their disgusting culture and learn to speak English 24/7) *BUY FLOWERS FROM REAL AMERICAN SMALL FLOWER BOUTIQUES* (Not these homophobic, not American fraud owners who only care about Middle Eastern culture and living a rich lifestyle) *research/ google owner's social media, background, see what they do with customer's money!