Taribea D.

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Cherry Pop Hair

44.27  Rating Score

Of 26 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Cherry Pop Hair has an average rating of 3.02 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 44.27.

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I’ve been using Cherrypop for my weave needs for quite some time and everything was great... at first. When I first started getting hair from them you could tell the company took pride in the quality of their product. From the packaging to the hair it was nice. The hair would come in a cute box that had the company logo and protected the hair. The bundles themselves would be placed in nice pink lace bags. The hair smelled clean, was soft, had the curl pattern I wanted, and held true to the “no chemicals used” claim. I could run my fingers through it dry and not encounter any tangles or shedding. After cowashing, coloring and installing the tracks the hair retained the same curl pattern and manageability with little to no shedding. I was able to use the hair for 2-3yrs before having to look at buying more. The last couple of times that I ordered hair you can tell that the company no longer cares about quality over quantity. From the packaging to the hair, it’s no better than high priced “100% Yalu Human Hair” from the Asian wig shop around the corner. You know the hair that is chemically processed but you can still color it and use heat on it but it only lasts for a few months. The hair now comes in a bag or envelope from whatever carrier they use to mail the hair. Supposedly they keep running out of the boxes! Each bundle is still put in the pink lace bag. The hair came in the curl pattern I ordered but... the hair was rough to the touch, tangled and shed as soon as I went to finger comb it, and it reeked of nasty chemicals. After cowashing and doing an oil treatment the hair was still rough, tangled, shed, reeked, and the curl pattern was almost gone. I have only been able to use the hair for three months at a time before having to replace it. My own natural hair doesn’t tangle or shed this much and I have Afro curly hair so I’m accustomed to how curly textures can tangle and shed, etc... I’m also well versed on how to take care of extensions so that it can last for years if the hair is good quality. I will never use Cherrypop again nor will I recommend them to anyone, so very disappointing.