Lisa C.

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Arizona Fire & Water Restoration

74.33  Rating Score

Of 162 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Arizona Fire & Water Restoration has an average rating of 4.06 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 74.33.

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On Thursday, June 4th, 2020 we came home to a flooded home due to the toilet water supply hose breaking. I called Arizona Fire and Water to come and do the cleanup. Their reviews seemed rather good. Although we had to relocate to a hotel for the next five days, we felt confident that they would do a good job. We handed over a set of keys for them to use. They told us that they would be using a lock box on our house. On Saturday morning I returned home to pick something up and I had forgotten my keys at the hotel. I called my partner to tell him to call AZ Fire & Water to get the lock box code so that I could get in. To my surprise, they had not locked our home and I was able to enter without my keys. Anyone could have walked right into our home once they were gone. We informed them of their HUGE oversight as well. Upon entering I noticed items missing as well as damaged. They did inform us of damaging our bookcase which was unrepairable, but they did not inform us of other damage. Once payment came due our insurance company requested verification for overcharged services and materials. AZ Fire & Water would not comply. This information was requested at least three times. Every time they did not respond. One of the fees was for HAZMAT PPE. We were at our home for a few hours before we left for our hotel on that Thursday and did not see one employee of AZ Fire & Water doffing HAZMAT PPE. I work in an industry in which I knows what this is. Jeans and shirts are NOT PPE. Once they determined that our insurance company would not pay the $1500 overcharges, they came after us for payment. We told them that they had the chance to get paid. They threatened a lien on our home. I expressed that if they tried to do that, we have enough evidence to defend ourselves in court. I had to file a police report for my missing items as well, as they are valuable and very sentimental. They have not to this day replaced our damaged items or compensated us for the items that came up missing. I would NOT recommend this company.