Robert L.

1 business review
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Moving Depot USA

60.89  Rating Score

Of 127 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Moving Depot USA has an average rating of 2.81 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 60.89.

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This company showed up in a rental truck to pick up our furniture. They then after loading most of our stuff told us that we did not have enough space purchased, and sold us more space. There were 2 motorcycles in our move that we bought extra space for(200 cubic feet per bike) so that could have nothing placed on top of them. They picked the motorcycles up on a second day as they did not have room the first day(also in the Enterprise truck). When the moving van showed at our new house with our belongings stuffed inside the motorcycles were buried in the middle of the load. Items were broken and some missing the bikes have much damage to paint and chrome. All in all I would tell anyone to stay clear of this company and if not then make sure that you buy insurance from a 3rd party if they can offer any.