Shanny C.

1 business review
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Alvita Home Care

86.92  Rating Score
12AM - 12AM ▾

Of 52 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Alvita Home Care has an average rating of 4.49 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.92.

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Terrible company. Not direction. Mistreats and demoralizes employees. Does not care about the clients and try to rob them of every penny they have with the nefarious business strategies. Violate so many state and federal regulations, labor laws, EEOC, the list goes on and on. If you are not willing to go along with the CEO and President’s direction to do so then ultimately you will be fired as they lives to say “we are an at-will employer.” Lastly, the COO is nasty, arrogant, does not like strong women or people of color.