charles t.

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Blair Wellness Group

95.40  Rating Score
9AM - 9PM ▾

Of 259 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Blair Wellness Group has an average rating of 4.94 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.40.

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There is no place on earth like Blair Wellness Group because Dr. Blair and her team of professionals are second to none. The absolute dedication, passion, fortitude, brilliance, and care that Dr. Blair has brought into my life has fundamentally and utterly changed my life completely, as she is the only reason I am still standing here today. I found life miserable and painful, a chore and a struggle to continue to exist because I couldn’t see a future for myself where I could ever be happy or fulfilled. I could only see a future for myself where I would be in pain and even die prematurely because I had no hope to experience or be any different than I always had been from when I was a young child. Living in this state of being, as if the idea of a tomorrow didn’t matter at all, was extremely painful and lonely. Dr. Blair saw this the moment she met me and gifted me complete and utter compassion and empathy. She saw the immense pain and suffering I was in, gave me a place to feel safe, and created a path for me to earn the meaning and purpose I want to have in life. She gave me clarity, illuminated the reason why I felt like life had no meaning whatsoever, and taught me how to be different every single day. I have never been respectful or honorable, so she modeled how to be just that in everything she does. She speaks with honesty, acts with intention, and thinks with love, creating a path forward for me to earn my way out of the sickness in my mind and my heart. She has gifted me meaning in my life by creating a framework for me to be proud of, respecting and loving myself for being a man of honor, integrity, character, and substance, just as she chooses to be every single day. To go from feeling like there was no point to life, basically waiting out my days, to actually having a reason to live and a purpose in life is an indescribable experience and feeling. I have never really truly ever lived for a single second until I came to Blair Wellness Group, and in the realm of my happiness, fulfillment, and passion in life, it is infinitely more true. Thank you, Dr. Blair, for everything that you have done for me.