Steph M.

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Complete Canine Training

99.29  Rating Score
8AM - 5PM ▾

Of 174 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Complete Canine Training has an average rating of 4.93 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 99.29.

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I was so impressed with the work they did with Archer. He's an extremely energetic puppy who constantly tries to push boundaries. When I saw him stay in place while his trainer left the room, I had tears in my eyes! I tried for months to get him to heel and not pull on his leash and they solved that in less than two weeks. Lauren did such an amazing job working with him and I could tell their bond was really tight because he kept his eyes on her the whole time. I appreciated the dedicated time with the trainer once I picked Archer up. They do a great job transitioning the dog over to the owner and I never felt rushed with the time we had. My only recommendation is more communication up front. When I dropped him off on Monday and it was very quick and I didn't hear about his progress until Friday since the report cards were delayed. It can be a bit worrisome to leave your dog for two weeks and I just wanted to make sure he was ok. Other than that, zero complaints and would highly recommend!