tom b.

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Enerhealth Botanicals

86.04  Rating Score

Of 63 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Enerhealth Botanicals has an average rating of 4.76 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 86.04.

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I recommend you to many friends and families. Have been using, especially the Enerfood, for years. I have seen the proof in many ways, but here is one that is amazing. I have a concussion from an auto accident several years ago. Unfortunately, I have symptoms no neurologist has ever seen, so my doc had to just let me go and hope for the best. It did get better, but flares up time to time. That I have said to tell you about an incident 6 years ago when I was 59- I am 65 now. I almost passes out two times, about 5 minutes apart. So my doctor said let's get a vascular scan and make sure it is not any kind of blockage. While the technician was administering the scan, she was blown away. She just blurted out "You have the arteries of a 25 year old". That is living proof how well this works. I had spent years researching ingredients, manufacturing, etc. and when I saw your product, it was a "perfect storm" for me. All the ingredients I was looking for, produced in the best way, as well as organic. I can go on and on. And a great price! I love to stock up when you run 20% and even bigger sales. I do take others, but everyone should do the Enerfood! Especially if they are unhealthy, and even healthy if they are over 40 years old. May God continue to bless you, and many thanks for your products.....